
A total body conditioning and balancing system of movement. Offers similar benefits also derived from dance, yoga, swimming, tai chi and gymnastics. Gyrokinesis Exercises are performed using small chairs, mats or standing. The exercise sequence consist of spiraling, circular movements in rhythmical repetitions with corresponding breathing patterns, resulting in an overall body conditioning as well as awakening the senses and neurological pathways.


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Gyrotonic Exercises are performed using the apparatus called a Pulley Tower which Juliu Horvath, the founder of this exercise system. designed around the human body to further enhance the work done on the chairs and mats. Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis exercises allow the body to move through its natural range of motion, without any unnecessary holding or tension. Resulting in strength without strain.

Instruction is offered at all levels beginner to advanced. The functional movements are an important component of everyday life, whether one is a super athlete, ordinary citizen or physically compromised person.